
北京香山饭店是由国际著名美籍华裔建筑设计师贝聿铭先生主持设计的一座融合中国古典园林建筑艺术和环境艺术为一体的四星级酒店。饭店位于北京西山风景区的香山公园内,坐拥自然美景,四时景色各异;依傍皇家古迹,人文积淀厚重;此地水清气新,为休闲旅游有氧健身的佳境。饭店周边路网交通发达,北“五环路”擦肩而过,由市中心驾车傾刻而至。 香山饭店建筑独具特色,一九八四年曾获美国建筑会荣誉奖,整座饭店凭借山势,高低错落,蜿蜒曲折,院落相间,内有十八景观,山石,湖水,花草,树木,与白墙灰瓦式的主体建筑相映成趣,饭店大厅面积八百余平米,阳光透过玻璃屋顶泻洒在绿树茵茵的大厅内明媚而舒适。 北京香山饭店拥有285套多种类型的客房, 500多个床位,房间宽敞明亮,设施完备。店内拥有风格迥异的自助餐厅、宴会厅、咖啡吧、商场。 除接待休闲旅游客人外,尤为适合接待各种规模的国际,国内会议,设备先进的多媒体阶梯教室是高端培训的最理想之所。 餐厅除供应川、鲁等地方菜外,尤其擅长提供各式风味的会议团队用餐如:中式自助餐,中西式自助餐,家常餐,素食餐,保健餐等餐饮服务,亦可举办大型豪华宴会。 北京香山饭店四季景色宜人,为您提供绿色健康的入住环境,无论您是参加会议,商务旅行还是度假,香山饭店都是您最佳的选择,欢迎您通过饭店官网直接联系我们|Fragrant Hill Hotel is a four-star hotel integrating Chinese classical architecture and environmental art designed by the world famous architect Mr. Leoh Ming Pei. The hotel is located in the Fragrant Hills (Xiang Shan) Park which belongs to Beijing's Xishan Scenic Area. It is surrounded by natural beauty and scenery. You can always find your favorite one in different seasons. The hotel is close to the royal monuments with rich humanity cultures. Surrounding by rivers and trees, it is a good place to do aerobic exercise. Our hotel is near to the North of 5th Ring Road. You can get here quickly and conveniently from downtown by different types of transportations. The Fragrant Hill Hotel has a unique building style which won the United States Building Honor Award in 1984. Our hotel is built leaning the hill. All rooms reflect the man and nature in harmony. There are eighteen famous landscapes, rocks, lake, flowers and trees. All of them coexist with the white walls of the gray-style main building. The lobby area is around eight hundred square meters. You can see the sunlight sprinkling through the glass roof to the green trees and brightening the hall, which makes you feel comfortable as at home. Fragrant Hill Hotel has 285 rooms of various types and more than 500 beds. Rooms are bright, spacious and well-equipped. There are different styles of buffet restaurants, banquet halls, cafés and shopping malls. Fragrant Hill Hotel welcomes all for either casual stays or conferences. Possessing well-equipped conference rooms and multimedia classrooms, the hotel is the best place for international and domestic meetings as well as advanced trainings. In addition to serving Sichuan, Shandong and other styles of dishes, we also provide various dinners such as Chinese-style buffets, Chinese-and-Western-style buffets, homemade meals, vegetarian meals, and health meals for the meeting groups. We can also hold large luxury banquets. Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel provides green and healthy environment. No matter you are attending a meeting, or in a business travel or vacation, our hotel is your best choice. Feel free to contact us directly through the hotel official website.
饭店位于北京西山风景区的香山公园内,坐拥自然美景,四时景色各异;依傍皇家古迹,人文积淀厚重;此地水清气新,为休闲旅游有氧健身的佳境。饭店周边路网交通发达,北“五环路”擦肩而过,由市中心驾车傾刻而至。香山饭店建筑独具特色,一九八四年曾获美国建筑会荣誉奖,整座饭店凭借山势,高低错落,蜿蜒曲折,院落相间,内有十八景观,山石,湖水,花草,树木,与白墙灰瓦式的主体建筑相映成趣,饭店大厅面积八百余平米,阳光透过玻璃屋顶泻洒在绿树茵茵的大厅内明媚而舒适,饭店位于北京西山风景区的香山公园内,坐拥自然美景,四时景色各异;依傍皇家古迹,人文积淀厚重;此地水清气新,为休闲旅游有氧健身的佳境。饭店周边路网交通发达,北“五环路”擦肩而过,由市中心驾车傾刻而至。香山饭店建筑独具特色,一九八四年曾获美国建筑会荣誉奖,整座饭店凭借山势,高低错落,蜿蜒曲折,院落相间,内有十八景观,山石,湖水,花草,树木,与白墙灰瓦式的主体建筑相映成趣,饭店大厅面积八百余平米,阳光透过玻璃屋顶泻洒在绿树茵茵的大厅内明媚而舒适|The hotel is located in the Fragrant Hills (Xiang Shan) Park which belongs to Beijing's Xishan Scenic Area. It is surrounded by natural beauty and scenery. You can always find your favorite one in different seasons. The hotel is close to the royal monuments with rich humanity cultures. Surrounding by rivers and trees, it is a good place to do aerobic exercise. Our hotel is near to the North 5th Ring Road. You can get here quickly and conveniently from downtown by different types of transportations. The Fragrant Hill Hotel has a unique building style which won the United States Building Honor Award in 1984. Our hotel is built leaning the hill. All rooms reflect the man and nature in harmony. There are eighteen famous landscapes, rocks, lake, flowers and trees. All of them coexist with the white walls of the gray-style main building. The lobby area is around eight hundred square meters. You can see the sunlight sprinkling through the glass roof to the green trees and brightening the hall, which makes you feel comfortable as at home.
首旅如家为您推荐 北京香山饭店 以及 酒店预订、优惠促销、会员商城,北京香山饭店 信息,酒店地址: 北京市海淀区香山公园内。
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